丁浩明 1,2,3李勉 1,3李友兵 1,3陈科 1,3[ ... ]黄庆 1,3,*
1 1.中国科学院 宁波材料技术与工程研究所, 先进能源材料工程实验室, 宁波 315201
2 2.中国科学院大学, 北京 101408
3 3.宁波杭州湾新材料研究院, 宁波 315336
4 4.林雪平大学 物理、化学和生物学系, 瑞典 林雪平 SE-58183
5 5.哈尔滨工业大学 特种环境复合材料技术国防科技重点实验室/复合材料与结构研究所, 哈尔滨 150001
6 6.北京航空航天大学 材料科学与工程学院, 北京 100191
7 7.西北工业大学 材料学院, 西安 710072
8 8.北京交通大学 机械与电子控制工程学院, 北京 100044
9 9.东南大学 材料科学与工程学院, 南京 211189
10 10.复旦大学 光电研究院和上海市智能光电与感知前沿科学研究基地, 上海 200433
11 11.北京大学 核物理与核技术国家重点实验室, 北京 100871
MAX/MAB相是一类非范德华三元层状材料, 具有丰富的元素组成和晶体结构, 兼具陶瓷和金属的物理性质, 在高温、强腐蚀、辐照等极端环境中极具应用潜力。近年来, 由MAX/MAB相衍生的二维(2D)材料(MXene和MBene)在材料物理与材料化学领域引起了广泛兴趣, 已经成为继石墨烯和过渡金属硫族化合物之后最受关注的二维范德华材料。MAX/MAB相材料结构调控不仅对这类非范德华层状材料本征性能产生重要影响, 而且对其衍生的二维范德华材料结构功能特性研究也具有重要价值。本文归纳和总结了MAX/MAB相层状材料在结构调控、理论计算和应用基础研究等方向的最新科研进展, 并展望了该类层状材料未来发展方向。
MAX相 MAB相 二维过渡金属碳氮化物 结构调控 理论计算 综述 MAX phase MAB phase MXene structural modulation theoretical calculation review 
2023, 38(8): 845
1 人工智能学院(未来技术学院)
2 电子与信息工程学院,南京 210000
针对现有的去雨方法无法彻底去除雨纹并且去雨后图像存在细节丢失问题, 提出一种多分辨率融合密集网络的图像去雨方法。网络主体由多个多分辨并行融合模块构成, 始终保持空间精确的高分辨率并从低分辨率中接收大量的上下文信息。使用一种基于选择性卷积核机制SKNet的多尺度特征融合模块, 通过非线性的方法有效聚合来自不同分辨率流的特征。在不同的分辨率流中使用一种改进的残差模块, 采用相邻层次的多种尺度的卷积来获取丰富的雨纹信息。模块间使用密集连接, 加强不同模块之间的特征传播。实验表明, 所提方法在合成及真实雨像数据集上的评价指标与其他去雨方法相比有所提高, 去除雨纹的同时能够保留更多的细节信息。
图像去雨 多分辨率 密集网络 特征融合 image rain removal multi-resolution dense networks SKNet SKNet feature fusion 
2023, 30(7): 57
1 上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海 200093
2 上海理工大学 出版印刷与艺术设计学院,上海 200093
3 中船勘察设计研究院有限公司,上海 200063
4 上海工程技术大学 图书馆,上海 201620
级联相位检索算法 计算关联成像 图像处理 多图像加密 cascaded phase retrieval algorithm computational ghost imaging image processing multi-image encryption 
2023, 45(1): 60
Author Affiliations
School of Electronic Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China
In this paper, a rare-earth spectral traceability anti-counterfeiting detection technology is proposed. Configure rare-earth samples No.1, No.2 and No.3 with different doping ratios. The spectral signals of these three samples are collected and integrated into a sample library. The traceability anti-counterfeiting detection is to compare the spectral information of the samples to be tested with the established sample library by selecting specific wavelength points for light intensity values. If the sample to be measured meets the light intensity range of the established sample library at a specific wavelength point, the sample model will be output. If it does not meet the light intensity range, the sample to be tested is fake. After testing, the anti-counterfeit rate of samples No.1, No.2 and No.3 can reach 100%. This testing process does not destroy the sample, and the anti-counterfeit effect is unique and reliable.
2022, 18(9): 535
中国工程物理研究院电子工程研究所四川 绵阳 621999
提出面向合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)回波数据的复杂结构特征增强算法(Complex Structure Feature Enhancement Algorithm,CEA),面向SAR成像目标的复杂结构特征,算法利用高阶方向全变分(High-order Total Direction Variation,HOTDV)正则算子表示,面向SAR成像目标的稀疏特征,算法用𝓁1正则算子表示。算法利用交替方向多乘子法(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers,ADMM)建立多正则约束优化框架,设计复杂结构分裂变量和稀疏分裂变量,并求出分裂变量解析更新解以实现SAR成像目标的复杂结构特征与稀疏特征的增强。多正则约束优化框架中的对偶分解保证多特征多任务处理能力,增广拉格朗日项的使用则保证了算法的收敛性和稳健性。最后,设计了仿真和实测SAR数据特征增强实验以验证算法的有效性,对比多种传统结构特征增强算法以验证所提复杂结构特征增强算法的优越性。
合成孔径雷达 复杂结构特征增强 高阶方向全变分 交替方向多乘子法 近端算子 相位误差补偿 synthetic aperture radar(SAR) complex structure features enhancement(CEA) high-order total direction variation(HOTDV) alternating direction method of multipliers(ADMM) proximal mapping phase error compensation 
2022, 41(4): 762
Linpeng Lu 1,2,3,4†Jiaji Li 1,2,3,4Yefeng Shu 1,2,3,4Jiasong Sun 1,2,3,4[ ... ]Chao Zuo 1,2,3,4,*
Author Affiliations
1 Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Smart Computational Imaging Laboratory (SCILab), Nanjing, China
2 Nanjing University of Science and Technology, School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing, China
3 Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Spectral Imaging & Intelligent Sense, Nanjing, China
4 Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Smart Computational Imaging Research Institute (SCIRI), Nanjing, China
5 The University of Hong Kong, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China
Transport of intensity equation (TIE) is a well-established non-interferometric phase retrieval approach that enables quantitative phase imaging (QPI) by simply measuring intensity images at multiple axially displaced planes. The advantage of a TIE-based QPI system is its compatibility with partially coherent illumination, which provides speckle-free imaging with resolution beyond the coherent diffraction limit. However, TIE is generally implemented with a brightfield (BF) configuration, and the maximum achievable imaging resolution is still limited to the incoherent diffraction limit (twice the coherent diffraction limit). It is desirable that TIE-related approaches can surpass this limit and achieve high-throughput [high-resolution and wide field of view (FOV)] QPI. We propose a hybrid BF and darkfield transport of intensity (HBDTI) approach for high-throughput quantitative phase microscopy. Two through-focus intensity stacks corresponding to BF and darkfield illuminations are acquired through a low-numerical-aperture (NA) objective lens. The high-resolution and large-FOV complex amplitude (both quantitative absorption and phase distributions) can then be synthesized based on an iterative phase retrieval algorithm taking the coherence model decomposition into account. The effectiveness of the proposed method is experimentally verified by the retrieval of the USAF resolution target and different types of biological cells. The experimental results demonstrate that the half-width imaging resolution can be improved from 1230 nm to 488 nm with 2.5 × expansion across a 4 × FOV of 7.19 mm2, corresponding to a 6.25 × increase in space-bandwidth product from ∼5 to ∼30.2 megapixels. In contrast to conventional TIE-based QPI methods where only BF illumination is used, the synthetic aperture process of HBDTI further incorporates darkfield illuminations to expand the accessible object frequency, thereby significantly extending the maximum available resolution from 2NA to ∼5NA with a ∼5 × promotion of the coherent diffraction limit. Given its capability for high-throughput QPI, the proposed HBDTI approach is expected to be adopted in biomedical fields, such as personalized genomics and cancer diagnostics.
transport of intensity equation phase retrieval darkfield imaging high-throughput microscopy 
Advanced Photonics
2022, 4(5): 056002
Wen-Rong Qi 1,2†Jie Zhou 3†Ling-Jun Kong 4,5†Zhen-Peng Xu 6[ ... ]Hui-Tian Wang 4,10,*
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Weak-Light Nonlinear Photonics and School of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
2 School of Physics, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China
3 Theoretical Physics Division, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
4 National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
5 Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
6 Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät, Universität Siegen, 57068 Siegen, Germany
7 Departamento de Física Aplicada II, Universidad de Sevilla, E-41012 Sevilla, Spain
8 e-mail: liyongnan@nankai.edu.cn
9 e-mail: chenjl@nankai.edu.cn
10 e-mail: htwang@nju.edu.cn
A Hardy-like proof of quantum contextuality is a compelling way to see the conflict between quantum theory and noncontextual hidden variables (NCHVs), as the latter predict that a particular probability must be zero, while quantum theory predicts a nonzero value. For the existing Hardy-like proofs, the success probability tends to 1/2 when the number of measurement settings n goes to infinity. It means the conflict between the existing Hardy-like proof and NCHV theory is weak, which is not conducive to experimental observation. Here we advance the study of a stronger Hardy-like proof of quantum contextuality, whose success probability is always higher than the previous ones generated from a certain n-cycle graph. Furthermore, the success probability tends to 1 when n goes to infinity. We perform the experimental test of the Hardy-like proof in the simplest case of n=7 by using a four-dimensional quantum system encoded in the polarization and orbital angular momentum of single photons. The experimental result agrees with the theoretical prediction within experimental errors. In addition, by starting from our Hardy-like proof, one can establish the stronger noncontextuality inequality, for which the quantum-classical ratio is higher with the same n, which provides a new method to construct some optimal noncontextuality inequalities. Our results offer a way for optimizing and enriching exclusivity graphs, helping to explore more abundant quantum properties.
Photonics Research
2022, 10(7): 07001582
中国航天科工二院未来实验室,北京 100854
针对红外探测器件大阵面技术缺乏、单孔径红外探测系统难以兼顾大视场和高分辨率等问题,设计了一种基于压缩感知技术的红外大视场高分辨成像系统。该系统由成像物镜和中继透镜组成,成像物镜对场景进行大视场高分辨率一次成像,一次成像的像面经空间光调制板的调制后由中继透镜二次成像在探测器阵列,利用图像重建算法可将探测器阵列接收的图像进行恢复。设计结果显示,所提系统的工作波段为3.8~4.8 μm,成像物镜具有F/1.999的大数值孔径,视场为±16°,像元数达到1280×1024,中继透镜像元数达到640×512,成像质量完全匹配所选的探测器阵列。此外,对比现有红外单孔径探测系统,所设计的系统具有大视场、高分辨、结构简单紧凑等优势,在航空遥感探测领域具有较大的应用前景。
成像系统 压缩感知 中红外波段 物镜 中继透镜 航空遥感 红外探测器阵列 
2022, 59(8): 0811003
南京理工大学 化学与化工学院, 南京 210094
研究钙钛矿晶体缺陷对于推动钙钛矿太阳能电池的发展至关重要。缺陷不仅会引起大量非辐射复合, 而且会造成器件稳定性下降。为降低材料缺陷对光伏性能的影响, 有必要深入了解钙钛矿薄膜缺陷的种类及抑制方法。根据电子特性, 缺陷可分为富电子缺陷和缺电子缺陷。利用Lewis酸碱理论, 富电子缺陷可以被Lewis酸钝化, 而缺电子缺陷可以被Lewis碱或离子液体钝化。这些钝化功能添加剂可在钙钛矿成膜过程中加入, 或对薄膜表面进行后处理。本文通过总结近年报道的缺陷钝化案例, 直观地呈现了添加剂的设计策略及缺陷钝化对光伏性能的影响,最后, 提出开发多功能钝化剂、大面积钝化策略与先进电荷传输层的建议, 期望为钙钛矿太阳能电池的发展提供助力。
钙钛矿薄膜 缺陷 钝化 太阳能电池 综述 perovskite film defect passivation solar cell review 
2021, 37(2): 129
Author Affiliations
1 College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
2 Department of Bioengineering and COMSET, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is an essential super-resolution microscopy technique that enhances resolution. Several images are required to reconstruct a super-resolution image. However, linear SIM resolution enhancement can only increase the spatial resolution of microscopy by a factor of two at most because the frequency of the structured illumination pattern is limited by the cutoff frequency of the excitation point spread function. The frequency of the pattern generated by the nonlinear response in samples is not limited; therefore, nonlinear SIM (NL-SIM), in theory, has no inherent limit to the resolution. In the present study, we describe a two-photon nonlinear SIM (2P-SIM) technique using a multiple harmonics scanning pattern that employs a composite structured illumination pattern, which can produce a higher order harmonic pattern based on the fluorescence nonlinear response in a 2P process. The theoretical models of super-resolution imaging were established through our simulation, which describes the working mechanism of the multi-frequency structure of the nonsinusoidal function to improve the resolution. The simulation results predict that a 5-fold improvement in resolution in the 2P-SIM is possible.
Super-resolution image structured illumination microscopy nonsinusoidal function 
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
2021, 14(5): 2142002

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